The Staycation
What to do now?
More and more, it’s looking like this may be the year of the staycation. Overseas travel andcommunity events are being discouraged as we are being asked to remain in place to avoid viraltransmission. None of us is sure exactly what the future holds, but one thing is for sure, weneed to take care of ourselves. These are stressful times and it’s a good idea to prepare nowfor the months ahead. Staying as healthy as possible and reducing stress will both be beneficialin helping us ride this storm out in the most positive light possible.Staying HomeStaycations are not only necessary during times like these, but they are a great way to reduceour carbon footprint and save money as well. Now is the occasion to make your home andgarden a sanctuary, a place that is enjoyable to spend your summer break this year.Here are some helpful hints:Stay HealthyStart your own vegetable garden to grow healthy, organic vegetables, fruits and herbsto keep your immune system strong.Keep in ShapeGardening is an excellent form of exercise that will not only improve muscle tone but, ifperformed at constant rate, activities such as raking and weeding can burn up to 300calories per hour.Preserve PositivityBegin your day with yard yoga. It will clear your head, calm your worries, relieve yourtensions to help you see the world and i’s current situation in a more positive light.Sustain your Spirits“The earth laughs in flowers”-Ralph Waldo Emerson. So, plant lots of them!\
Have FunSet up a few yard games like horseshoes, badminton, giant Jenga, corn hole, croquet orladder Toss to pass the hours with family and close friends.Remain ProductivePlan a comfortable area to keep- up with your work if you are able to do it from home.Make sure that you have a comfortable seating area to work and a little shade to reducethe glare on your computer screen. Make a Joyful Noise The buzz of bees, the song of birds, breeze blowing through leaves, the musical swish ofwater from a fountain, the crystal jingle from windchimes and the voices of family willall bring you moments of joy as you weather the storm.Sweet DreamsEvenings are perfect for sitting around the fire pit, eating smores and dreaming aboutwhere you will travel come next year.Take care of yourself and those you love. A little forethought will go a long way inhelping you have a great vacation at home this year. After all, home may be the most comfortable and safest place to be.