Tea Time Bouquet


This workshop is perfect for an Easter hostess gift or for you to brighten any part of your home. Place on your kitchen counter, end table or bathroom sink. It is sure to make you smile.

Choose from our selection of vintage tea cups. We will guide you through designing your own arrangement using fresh cut greens, a variety of spring blooms, ribbons and any spring/Easter embellishments we provide.

A hot beverage from Cape & Islands Tea will be complimentary along with a lavender short bread cookie baked by Cafe Riverview.

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This workshop is perfect for an Easter hostess gift or for you to brighten any part of your home. Place on your kitchen counter, end table or bathroom sink. It is sure to make you smile.

Choose from our selection of vintage tea cups. We will guide you through designing your own arrangement using fresh cut greens, a variety of spring blooms, ribbons and any spring/Easter embellishments we provide.

A hot beverage from Cape & Islands Tea will be complimentary along with a lavender short bread cookie baked by Cafe Riverview.

This workshop is perfect for an Easter hostess gift or for you to brighten any part of your home. Place on your kitchen counter, end table or bathroom sink. It is sure to make you smile.

Choose from our selection of vintage tea cups. We will guide you through designing your own arrangement using fresh cut greens, a variety of spring blooms, ribbons and any spring/Easter embellishments we provide.

A hot beverage from Cape & Islands Tea will be complimentary along with a lavender short bread cookie baked by Cafe Riverview.